just a girl hungry for adventure and burritos



I’m McKinley, just a California girl out exploring the world.

I believe in adventure. I believe in movie nights. I believe in growing up a little and staying young a lot. I believe in love. I believe in laughter. I believe in sunsets and the Milky Way. I believe nature is humbling and inspiring. I believe in having fun. I believe my parents are superheroes. I believe in creating. I believe in being scared, and doing it anyway. I believe in happiness. I believe there’s nothing in the world that an episode of Friends can’t make better. I believe in karma. I believe in travel. I believe in words. I believe in memories. I believe in being present. I believe the future is yours.

This blog is just all of those things coming together in one place.




“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.” 

-Robert Frost